Person Detail

Stephan Aier

Stephan Aier

Stephan Aier

Prof. Dr.
School of Computer Science
Büro 64-120
Torstrasse 25
9000 St. Gallen
Main Focuses

Enterprise-level Information Systems

Digital Platform Ecosystems

Enterprise Architecture Management

Data Management and Data Analytics

Digital Transformation

Simulation Modeling

Fields of research

Digital Platform Ecosystems

Enterprise-wide Information Systems

Data Management and Analytics

  • 1997-2002: Master’s Degree in Industrial Engineering and Management (Dipl-Ing.) from Technical University of Berlin, Germany, passed with distinction 
  • 2002-2006: Ph.D. in engineering sciences (Dr-Ing.) from Technical University of Berlin, Germany, doctoral thesis: Integration Technologies as a Basis for a Sustainable Enterprise Architecture – Interdependencies between Organization and Information Technology (in German language, grade 1.0) 
  • 2016 Habilitation on "Enterprise Architecture Management: Enabling Coordination of Enterprise-Wide Transformation"
  • 2017 Privatdozent of Business Administration with specialization in Information Systems 
Teaching Activities

Courses taught on assessment level
from 2010   Information Systems@University of St.Gallen, introduction

Courses taught on bachelor level
from 2021   Fundamentals and Methods of Computer Science (University of St.Gallen)
2020           Enterprise Modeling (University of St.Gallen)
from 2013   Information and Communication Technologies (University of St.Gallen)
2008–2012 Object Oriented Programming with Java (University of St.Gallen)
2000–2002 Business Information Systems (TU Berlin)
1999–2002 Foundations of Mechanical Engineering and Apparatus Engineering (TU Berlin)

Courses taught on master level
2020–2022 Enterprise Architecture Management (University of Liechtenstein)
2018–2020 Methods: Architecture Management (University of St.Gallen)
2018–2020 Research Methods for Business Innovation (University of St.Gallen)
from 2014   Enterprise Architecture (Reykjavik University)
2013–2022 Business Engineering Navigator: Theory and Tool Support for the Integrated Design of Business Solutions (University of St.Gallen)
2009–2011 Integration and Architecture (University of St.Gallen)
2008           Business Information Systems (University of St.Gallen)
2008–2011 Object Oriented Programming with Java (University of St.Gallen)
2003–2006 Enterprise Application Integration and Service Oriented Architecture (TU Berlin)
2002–2006 Foundations of Systems Analysis (TU Berlin)
2002–2006 Systems Analysis Projects (TU Berlin)
2002–2003 Computer-aided Systems Analysis (TU Berlin)

Courses taught on executive education level
2020            Enterprise Architecture in the Era of the Intelligent Enterprise (OpenSAP MOOC, >10,000 participants)
from 2017   Executive MBA in Business & IT (TU Munich & University of St.Gallen)
2015            Enterprise Architecture Management (logistics company in-house program)
2013            Data Architecture Management (utility company in-house program)
2012/2013   LEAD Enterprise Architecture Program (SAP, The Netherlands)
2008–2012  Executive Master in Business Engineering (University of St.Gallen)
2007–2009  Enterprise Architecture Management (logistics company in-house program)
from 2007    IT-Business Management (University of St.Gallen)   

  • 2020: Living Boundary Models for Coordination in Digital Platform Ecosystems, funded by the Basic Research Fund, University of St.Gallen 
  • 2019–2022: Ambidextrous Digital Platforms: Balancing Control and Emergence, funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation 
  • 2019–2021: Corporate Agility Navigator, funded by Innosuisse
  • 2019–2020: Guiding the Co-evolution of Digital Platforms and Service Ecosystems: A Simulation-based Research, funded by the Basic Research Fund, University of St.Gallen 
  • from 2019: Data Management and Analytics Community, funded by Credit Suisse, DNB ASA, DZ Bank, Erste Bank Group, UBS 
  • 2018–2019: Behavioral Enterprise Architecture Management, funded by the Basic Research Fund, University of St.Gallen 
  • 2017–2018: Understanding Institutional Mechanisms of Controlling Information Systems Architecture Complexity: A Simulation-based Research, funded by the Basic Research Fund, University of St.Gallen 
  • 2017–2018: Architectural Thinking: Harnessing IT Complexity, funded by ABB 
  • 2016–2019: Dynamics of Institutional Mechanisms in Enterprise-wide Information Systems Architecture, funded by: Swiss National Science Foundation
  • 2016–2018: A Value Co-creation Language (ValCoLa), funded by: Swiss National Science Foundation, Fonds National de la Recherche Luxembourg
  • 2016: Understanding Institutional Mechanisms of Controlling Information Systems Architecture Complexity: A Simulation-based Research, funded by the Basic Research Fund, University of St.Gallen
  • 2015: Decentralized Coordination in Complex Information Systems, funded by the Basic Research Fund, University of St.Gallen from
  • 2013–2019: Business Intelligence in Banking Community (BI BC) funded by Commerzbank AG, Credit Suisse AG, Deutsche Bank AG, DNB, DZ Bank, Erste Group AG, UBS AG
  • 2012–2013: DWH 2.0 – Management of Transformation, funded by Swiss Commission for Technology and Innovation, IBM Switzerland, UBS AG from
  • 2011: Competence Center Corporate Intelligence (CC CI), funded by AXA Winterthur, Barmenia Versicherungen, Bundesagentur für Arbeit, Commerzbank, EnBW, Helsana, Raiffeisen Schweiz, RWE, Swiss Post, Swiss Re
  • 2011–2014: A Design Theory for Architectural Coordination of Enterprise Transformation (ACET), funded by: Swiss National Science Foundation, Fonds National de la Recherche Luxembourg
  • 2006–2011: Competence Center Integration Factory (CC IF), funded b AXA Winterthur, Axpo Informatik AG, Barmenia Versicherungen, Credit Suisse, Deutsche Leasing, Deutsche Telekom Laboratories, Finanz Informatik, Munich Re, Novartis International, PostFinance, RTC AG/HP Banking Center Bern, RUAG, SAP, Zürcher Kantonalbank   

German Academic Association for Business Research
Association for Information Systems (AIS) 
Swiss Chapter of the AIS (CHAIS)


2022      Outstanding Contribution as Associate Editor, European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS 2022)
2021      Best Paper Award, Conference of the Italian Chapter of the AIS (itAIS 2021) 
2021      Best Paper Award, European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS 2021)
2021      Most Innovative Paper Award, International Conference on Wirtschaftsinformatik (WI2021)
2021      Best Reviewer Nomination, International Conference on Wirtschaftsinformatik (WI2021)
2016      Best Paper Nomination, European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS 2016) 
2015      Best Paper Nomination, Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS 2015) 
2013      Junior Scientist Business Innovation Award, University of St.Gallen 
2011      Junior Scientist Business Innovation Award, University of St.Gallen 
2010      Best Paper Nomination, International Conference on Design Science Research in Information Systems and Technology (DESRIST 2010)  

  • Governance in Daten-Ökosystemen: Wieviel Offenheit sollten wir uns leisten? Keynote, Topic Forum, Zürcher Kantonalbank, Zürich, 28.11.2023 
  • Spannungsfeld Agilität und Architektonische Koordination, Die Mobiliar, Bern, 02.11.2023
  • Value Propositions of Enterprise Architecture for Digital Transformations, SITIC Workshop, AXA, Winterthur, 24.04.2023
  • Architektonische Hebel, oder: Was architektonische Steuerung von digitalen Plattform Ökosystemen lernen kann, Opening Keynote, Swiss IT Intelligence Community (SITIC) Jubiläumsan-lass, Schloss Burgdorf, 03.11.2022
  • Enterprise-Level Architectural Coordination: Why we Need and how we Achieve to Control IT/Business Complexity, MULTIVAC Corporate IT Meeting, Wolfertschwenden, 08.07.2022
  • Architectural Challenges in Digital Platform Ecosystems, Keynote, Swiss IT-Enterprise Architec-ture Management (EAM) and Swiss Business & IT-Servicemanagement Forum, Zürich, 17.09.2021
    Architectural Thinking for Managing Complexity, Heidelberger Zement, 18.06.2021
  • Architectural Challenges in Digital Platform Ecosystems, 3. IT-Enterprise Architecture Management (EAM) Hybrid-Konferenz, Vienna, 14.06.2021
  • Architekturmanagement: Mit Paradoxien und Dilemmata umgehen, Lean EAM-Konferenz, Munich/online, 28.10.2020
  • Management der Architekturkomplexität: Nudges als Steuerungsinstrumente, 4te Jahrestagung: EAM – Richtungsgeber für die Digitale Transformation, Berlin, 15.5.2019
  • Regeln, Steuerung und Gehorsam oder „einfach mal laufen lassen“: Architekturmanagement in der digitalen Transformation, Lean EAM-Konferenz, Munich, 7.11.2018
  • Eine Portfoliosicht auf architektonische Steuerungsmechanismen, 48. St.Galler Anwenderforum, St.Gallen, 29.10.2018
  • Data Architecture for the Business Side, Data Management Round Table, Credit Suisse, Zurich, 6.11.2018
  • Architectural Coordination of Enterprise Transformation (ACET), EEWC 2018, Luxemburg, 1.6.2018
  • Was bedeutet es „wirklich“ Management in komplexen Architekturen zu betreiben? EAM – Richtungsgeber für die digitale Transformation, Berlin, 30.11.2017
  • Steuerung komplexer Architekturen, 46. St.Galler Anwenderforum, St.Gallen, 13.11.2017
  • Die Komplexitätsfalle der Digitalisierung … und wie Architekturmanagement damit umgehen kann, Lean EAM-Konferenz, Munich, 17.10.2017
  • Von digitalen Illusionen, Strohfeuern und Volltreffern – und wie es dazu kommt, IHK Business Outlook: ICT-Konferenz 2017, St. Gallen, 25.04.2017
  • Architectural Thinking: Lösungskomponenten, Deutsche Bahn: SOA Innovation Lab, Frankfurt am Main, 12.10.2016
  • Architectural Thinking: Harmonisierung lokaler Perspektiven, UBS: BI in Banking Community, Zurich, 11.10.2016
  • Architectural Thinking: Warum mehr Architekturmanament nicht zu einer besseren Architektur führt und was wir stattdessen tun sollten, Konferenz: Quo vadis EAM? Berlin, 27.09.2016
  • Enterprise Architecture Management: What it is, why it matters, and what it takes to make it a success, Bayer Business Services, Berlin, 26.09.2016   
  • How we lost control: Rolle und Nutzen des Komplexitätsmanagements in grossen BI-Landschaften, DW2015, 24.11.2015, Zurich
  • IT-Management: Agil oder günstig oder beides? Die St.Galler Idee eines modernen Architekturmanagements, Geschäftsleitungsworkshop, IT Post CH, Bern, 17.11.2015
  • Architectural Thinking: EAM nicht nur für Architekten? 42. St.Galler Anwenderforum, St.Gallen, 08.06.2015
  • Architectural Thinking, Architekturtag Commerzbank, Collegium Glashütten, 27.11.2014
  • Informationsversorgung von Unternehmenstransformationen: Wann, was und wie viel? DW2014, Zurich, 18.11.2014
  • Warum Unternehmenstransformationen unausweichlich sind und wie wir damit umgehen, Innovationstag Barmenia Versicherungen, Wuppertal, 25.08.2014
  • Architectural Coordination of Enterprise Transformation, KTH Stockholm, 11.06.2014
  • Wie tief muss die Facharchitektur modelliert werden? Konferenz Facharchitektur in Banken, Leipzig, 05.05.2014
  • Verhinderer oder Gestalter: Sollten wir die Rolle des Architekten weiter entwickeln? 41. St.Galler Anwenderforum, St. Gallen, 24.03.2014
  • BI als Transformation: Systematisches Management von Transformationen, DW2013, Zürich, 12.11.2013
  • Kaffeesatzlesen oder systematische Steuerung? Kennzahlengetriebenes Management von BI-Landschaften, DW2013, Zurich, 11.11.2013
  • Entwicklungsstufen des Unternehmensarchitekturmanagements, Opening Keynote, Swiss IT Intelligence Community (SITIC): Strategy & Enterprise Architecture, PricewaterhouseCoopers AG, Zürich, 12.06.2013
  • Erfolg von Outsourcing, Steinbeiss Unternehmerforum, Stuttgart, 22.03.2013 Wie werden unternehmensweite Intelligence-Infrastrukturen wirklich wirksam? DW2012, Zürich, 12.11.2012
  • Jenseits von Methoden und Modellen: EAM in unterschiedlichen Unternehmenskulturen erfolgreich machen, Opening Presentation, ITAMKO: IT-Architektur-Management-Konferenz 2012, Vienna, 17./18.10.2012
  • Referenzarchitekturen – Brauchen wir sie, und wenn ja, wie viele? Opening Keynote, Swiss IT Intelligence Community (SITIC): Topic Forum on Technical and Functional Reference Architectures, Postfinance, Zofingen, 20.09.2012
  • Jenseits von Architekturframeworks: Was sollte eine Organisation mitbringen, um EAM verkraften zu können? EAM Community Schweiz, Zurich, 19.09.2012
  • EAM wirksam machen: Warum EAM kein Nischenprodukt sein kann und was es ausser guten Modellen und Methoden braucht, 36. St.Galler Anwenderforum, St. Gallen, 04.06.2012
  • What’s right and what’s wrong with Enterprise Architecture, Opening Keynote, 6th Enterprise Architecture Management Conference 2011, Marcus Evans, Berlin, 23./24.05.2011
  • (IT) Service Management und (Enterprise) Architecture: Ein akademischer Blick auf die Themen „Run the Business“ und „Change the Business“, Opening Keynote, Swiss IT Intelligence Community (SITIC): Topic Forum on Architecture Management & ITIL, Zürcher Kantonalbank, Zurich, 11.03.2010
  • Nutzen und Gestaltung der Unternehmensarchitektur, Deutsche Kongress: Unternehmensarchitektur, Frankfurt/Main, 21.04.2009
  • Gute Architektur trotz oder wegen Standardsoftware?, 10. Architekturforum der Capgemini sd&m, Zurich, 11.05.2009
  • Serviceorientierung in Unternehmensarchitekturen: Die „richtige“ Transparenz als Basis von Flexibilität und Agilität, Berner Architekten Treffen, Bern, 12.06.2009
  • Planung der Unternehmensarchitektur und Unternehmensarchitektur als Planungsgrundlage, Deutsche Kongress: Unternehmensarchitektur, Zurich, 08.09.2009
  • Enterprise Architecture: Infrastruktur für Business Innovation, 20 Jahre IWI-HSG, St. Gallen, 18.09.2009
  • Unternehmensarchitekturen serviceorientiert gestalten: Die passende Dosis Transparenz für mehr Flexibilität und Agilität, Capgemini sd&m AG: SOA – Von der Theorie zur Praxis, Munich, 07.10.2009
  • Wozu Unternehmensarchitekturen gut sind – und wozu nicht, Deutsche Kongress: IT-Architektur, Frankfurt/Main, 20.02.2008
  • Wert-und stakeholderorientierte Gestaltung der Unternehmensarchitektur: Wozu Unternehmensarchitekturen gut sind – und wozu nicht, Deutsche Kongress: Unternehmensarchitektur, Zurich, 09.09.2008
  • A Stakeholder Based Approach to EA Engineering, The Open Group Conference, Munich, 22.10.2008
  • IT-Architekturmanagement und Unternehmensarchitektur, IQPC: IT-Architekturmanagement, Cologne, 05.12.2006
  • Planung und Flexibilität von IT-Architekturen, IIR, Frankfurt/Main, 04./05.07.2005
  • EAI und Architektur – empirische Befunde, Dritter EAI-Expertentag, Berlin, 25./26. November 2004
  • EAI – Der zweite Schritt: Voraussetzungen und Elemente flexibler Architekturen, EAI-Forum, Mainz, Mai 2004
Additional Information

Stephan Aier is a professor and senior lecturer at the School of Computer Science at the University of St.Gallen. He is the Director of the HSG Institute of Computer Science in Vorarlberg (ICV-HSG) and he co-heads the Data Management and Analytics group (DMAC) at the university’s Institute of Information Management (IWI-HSG). Between 2020-2023 Stephan served as IWI's Executive Director. 

Stephan studied Industrial Engineering and Management at the Technical University of Berlin, where he received his Ph.D. (Dr.-Ing.) in 2006. Stephan was elected Assistant Professor at HSG in 2009, finished his habilitation in 2016, was appointed Privatdozent in 2017, Affiliated Professor in 2020, Senior Lecturer in 2021, and Director in 2023 at the University of St.Gallen.

Today, Stephan is active in fundamental research in the areas of enterprise-level information systems, enterprise architecture, data management and analytics, and digital platforms funded by public research organizations and for applied research funded by industry partners. He gained industry experience in projects at AXA, BOSCH, Credit Suisse, Deutsche Telekom, HP, IBM, Munich Re, Motorola, Novartis, SAP, Swiss Post, Swiss Re, UBS, and others. 

Stephan has published more than 150 articles on architecture, integration, and platforms. His research is published among others in Management Information Systems Quarterly (MISQ), European Journal of Information Systems (EJIS), Business & Information Systems Engineering (BISE), Electronic Markets (EM), and MIS Quarterly Executive (MISQE). Stephan is active in undergraduate, graduate, and executive education as well as in company specific in-house programs. He is a regular speaker at practitioner conferences and seminars.
